KTE and ALS own precious approvements from the Israeli Laboratory Accreditation Authority and the Ministry of Environmental protection to provide analyses in soil, water and air/emission.
For more information, please contact Dr. Katz and his team at: http://kte.co.il/contact-us/
In the field of air/emission testing, please consult the capabilities of the laboratory at //www.alsglobal.eu/environmental/air-quality-monitoring and be persuaded of KTE´s competencies through their projects at http://kte.co.il/environment/air-quality/, where ALS Europe supported.
ALS and KTE works according to guidelines from the Department of industrial waste water, fuel and contaminated land (אגף שפכי תעשייה, דלקים וקרקעות מזוהמות), namely the sampling and analytical methods for soil.
Volatile Organic Compounds (VOCs, including BTEX and MTBE), Semi Volatile Organic Compounds (SVOCs including PAHs, PCBs and pesticides), Total Petroleum Hydrocarbons (TPH-DRO, TPH-ORO, C10-C40 and TPH-GRO, C6-C10) and metals have specific sampling methods, as well as analytical methods.
ALS and KTE fulfil the requirements from the Ministry of Environment (המשרד להגנת הסביבה) and propose specific analytical solutions for companies and institutions in israel.
For more information about projects in israel, please look at http://kte.co.il/environment/soil-groundwater/ and to discover our analytical capabilities, look at //www.alsglobal.eu/environmental/testing-of-soil-and-contaminated-land Sediment
Sediment contamination is a major environmental issue due its potential toxic effects on biotic resources and human health. Sediments from the Kishon river in Haifa is one example of common projects handled by KTE/ALS. Look at http://kte.co.il/environment/soil-groundwater/ for more informations on local projects and at //www.alsglobal.eu/environmental/chemical-analysis-of-sediments-and-dredged-materials for further data on analytical competencies.
Sampling and testing of water is one of the main activities for ALS. Whether the testing is done in order to assess the impact to human health or the environment KTE and ALS can offer a customised solution.
Projects in Israel – wastewater