Czech Accreditation Institute Audit and new methods within the scope of the Accreditation certificate
Mar 1, 2022
In January, an audit by Czech Accreditation Institute took place across all ALS Czech Republic laboratories with excellent results.
Not only was the audit successful and the accreditation for the already established methods renewed, but we also added the following new parameters to the list of accredited methods for food samples:
- Determination of β-lactoglobulin allergen by ELISA method.
- Determination of pantothenic acid (vitamin. B5) in food supplements.
- Determination of the number of coagulase-positive staphylococci (Staphylococcus aureus and other species) - method of detection.
- Determination of low numbers of Bacillus cereus - method of detection.
- Determination of ethanol.
How do we actually select the methods we want to include in the scope of the Accreditation Certificate methods?
The choice of methods is mainly related to our long-term vision and strategy. Increased demand from our clients, emerging legislative requirements or current concerns in the professional field also play an important role.
The audit itself is usually preceded by several months of professional and technical preparation of the method itself, its optimization for our conditions and sample types, validation, subsequent data processing and the necessary documentation. By and large, a lot of work outside of routine daily analysis. The whole effort is rewarded by a successful assessment by the above-mentioned institution and, of course, the first orders from our clients.
In case of any question, please contact our client service at +420 226 226 998 or by email